Group News

Latest Group News

Information received from groups will be listed here, most recent information first.

Hello from Johanna

2025 got off to a chilly start, but hopefully that did not interfere too much with your attendance at groups and meetings. The new year is a good time to reconsider your schedule - possibly challenging yourself to do something new. Physical and mental challenges help us to keep fit and well in our minds as well as our bodies.

When it is cold and slippery underfoot it is perhaps wise and appropriate to snuggle under the heated throw but don’t allow it become a habit. There are so many interesting and exciting opportunities available to you.

Tonbridge u3a being 25 years old is exciting in itself! The Book Circle is also celebrating 25 years. Almost all of that time with the same leader, Jean Abbott. Congratulations to all the members of the Book Circle and particularly to Jean! In her own words... “Having survived the “Millennium Bug the year 2000 was brightened by the foundation of Tonbridge u3a. Pleas were sent out for leaders to come forward for the good folk of the town. Book Circles were all the vogue and I thought “Why not?” I was taken by surprise by the response and soon had a full group and a waiting list. We have been going ever since but still the same eagerness to read and discuss a huge variety of books. We don’t always agree but that is half the fun. We laugh a lot, and all acknowledge that we have read books we would never have chosen ourselves but we have often been surprised at our reactions to them. I now consider that our members are my friends.” It is inspiring to hear from you about your groups. Thank you all who have responded. There will be more here next month. 

What can you add to our shared history? How has being a member/Group Leader enhanced your life?

This is an appeal to all members and particularly Group Leaders, current and retired. There must be a wealth of memories, stories and probably many “Funny Incidents” that it would be good to share. Please put your thinking caps on as an individual or in group and contribute. Photographs, old and more recent, would be particularly welcome. We intend to use these for display or publicity purposes. 


As you may imagine having possible correspondence with 80 plus groups, it is always really helpful if I can use the search facility in the e-mail to make sure that I am able to respond or forward as appropriate.

Joyfully Johanna

Have a Fantastic February

New groups

German Conversation group 3

more information to follow

Current groups

Play Reading 

Second Thursday of each month at 10.00am.

13 February; 13 March; 10 April; 8 May; 12 June.

Ann Blackmore

Reading Shakespeare

Every three months approximately. 10.00am

Next dates to follow

Joyce Graf

Poetry for Pleasure 

The purpose of the Group is simply to enjoy reading poetry, without serious analysis. We choose a theme in advance and do our best to find poems which are relevant to it, usually reading two or three each. 10.00am on the third Thursday each month. 

February - Time; March - Cats; April - Rivers.

Anne Kelly

Poetry for Pleasure 2 

The purpose of this group is to read poetry which they enjoy on a theme chosen in advance of the monthly meeting which is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10 30am. 

February - Love and Marriage; March - Spring. 

Jennifer Hughes

Discovering Churches

Monday 10 March at 11:00am. 


Bob Challis

Galleries, Exhibitions and Museums 

Margaret Pavlidis