Group News

Latest Group News

Information received from groups will be listed here, most recent information first.

At the AGM Johanna Kiernan was appointed as the new Groups Co-ordinator.

Dear members

I hope you have been enjoying the brighter weather ( as I type this mid May) and getting the most out of our groups and being a part of Tonbridge u3a.

This is my last update as Groups co-ordinator, covering June and July, as I am away most of June prior to stepping down from the role on 3 July at the AGM. Though the role has been a bit of a challenge, at times, covering the Spring Lunch and Open Afternoons as well as overseeing the groups, I want to say how good it has been to get to know more of you than I would have as a member of groups alone.

Reporting on groups generally, there has not been any major changes, though I have had quite a few enquiries to join certain ones which is great. Long may that continue and the groups continue to flourish and more evolve either as a second group or as a new subject.

I know that my successor will do well at continuing our motto of Live, Laugh and Learn in the future. Can I also thank Melanie Battell for taking on the Spring Lunch and Open Afternoon after the AGM.

All the very best

Jan Dixon

Dear Members,

We will be having our last outing this month when we will be visiting Michelham Priory, Charleston Farmhouse and Berwick Church. The

church has some large murals that were painted by the Charleston Farmhouse Group. We will have our fingers crossed that summer will have truly arrived for our final outing. We have all enjoyed our many years of finding new places to visit, though some favourites have cropped up a number of times over the years as in last month’s visit to the Weald and Downland Museum where the rain did hold off until the journey home. We look forward to seeing you on this month’s outing. 

We hope that there will be new members who will form a group to carry on the tradition of Tonbridge u3a of having outings for its members.

Thank you for your many e-mails. We have all appreciated the sentiments that they have contained.

Margaret, Richard, David, Geoff, Amy, Lesley and Clare.

Current groups

Discovering Churches 

August - No visit

Monday 9 September at 11.00am. The Church of St Nicholas, Pluckley

Play Reading

Second Thursday of each month at 10.00am.

8 August; 12 September; 10 October; 14 November; 12 December.

Joyce Graf

Reading Shakespeare

Every three months approximately. 10.00am

25 July. 1 August.

Joyce Graf

Poetry for Pleasure 

The purpose of the Group is simply to enjoy reading poetry, without serious analysis.

We choose a theme in advance and do our best to find poems which are relevant to it, usually reading two or three each. 10.00am on the third Thursday each month.  

June - Dogs. July - Garden. August - Books. September - Accidents

Anne Kelly 

Galleries, Exhibitions and Museums .

2 August. We will be visiting the Wallace Collection for the “Ranjit Singh, The Sikh Warrior

King” Exhibition. Please let me know if you are coming.

Margaret Pavlidis


From August the main meetings of MOTO TWO will be held in venues in Central Tonbridge, see their web page for more details here.

Coastal Walks Group 1,

Coach trip - Date for your Diary

We are organising a coach trip to Maldon in Essex, on Tuesday 10 September. To fill the coach, we will be offering seats toother members of Tonbridge U3A as well. The trip is intended mainly for walkers, but there will be an option for non-walkers to spend the day exploring Maldon. Details of the walks will be published in next month's Journal, together with the booking form. So if interested, make a note in

your diary. The cost will be £18 per person.