
Group: Singalong

Meets: Third Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm.  

Extra meetings in members' gardens in July, Aug (two) & Sept

Venue: Tonbridge


From Bing to the Beatles, Abba to Adele, Cliff to Ed. Join us for an hour plus, of songs from our past, out of a selection of almost a hundred favourites which evoke memories of special moments, varied occasions and concerts attended. Make new friends with 40-50 similarly-minded people, most of whom claim not to be tuneful singers, but nevertheless love singing as well as a good laugh. Our philosophy is simple - we are not a choir but believe that music and mirth are two of the best therapies. Our monthly meetings are every 3rd Wednesday in Tonbridge. We also have occasional special guest musicians, very popular summer meetings in members' gardens for those who enjoy beautiful surroundings and are not away on holiday plus a Christmas event with seasonal songs and carols. Membership £5 every 4 months (Jan-Apr, May-Aug) and £6 (Sep-Dec)

Usual maximum of around twenty for garden meetings dependent on garden size

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at  

                The handbook contains full contact details, alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at  (please include your membership number in your email).


Group Leader:  Shirley Jones & John Lawrence

Singalong Event

Singalong will be having its customary summer garden sessions, this year expanded to four on the following dates for U3A members. It is vital to book with John Lawrence (contact details in Journal) as numbers are restricted. 

You can do this ONLY in the 2 weeks before each meeting and if you qualify details will be sent to acknowledge. 

Parking nearby is available, and all except Golden Green are close to regular bus routes as shown below

Wed 19 July afternoon Hildenborough (100 yards from 402 bus stop)

Tues 1 Aug morning Southborough (close to Tunbridge Wells bus stops)

Wed 16 Aug afternoon Golden Green

Tues 5 Sep afternoon Tonbridge (close to Maidstone route bus stops)

These are free to four-monthly paid-up Singalong subscribers. and suggested donation of £1 for newbies or visitors - please pay on arrival.