Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

at 2.00pm on Wednesday 3 July 2024

in Medway Hall, Angel Centre, Tonbridge

You are invited to attend this year’s AGM, which will be held in person on Wednesday 3 July 2024 at 2.00pm in Medway Hall, Angel Centre, Tonbridge.

The booklet of papers relevant to the AGM will be sent to members at the end of May along with the June Journal (either as a printed booklet, or digitally, depending on how you receive your Journal). Voting on all motions will take place at the AGM and the results will be announced there and then.

For the first time, following a change to the Tonbridge u3a Constitution at last year’s AGM, members will be permitted to appoint a proxy to vote at the AGM on their behalf. Full details of how to appoint a proxy and how to instruct the relevant person to vote on your behalf will be included in the booklet of papers that will be sent to members at the end of May. 

The AGM formalities will be brief and will be followed by a talk by Jo Livingston entitled “Fire, a Century of the Volunteer Fire Brigade”, plus refreshments.

The main purpose of this notice is to let you know about the various actual and proposed changes within the Committee: 

Vice Chair: Currently, the position of Vice Chair is vacant. To date no nominations for Vice Chair have been received. 

Treasurer: Elise Goldstone has stood down as Treasurer. To date no nominations for Treasurer have been received.

Events co-ordinator: Frani Hoskins will have completed her current three-year term and has agreed to stand again.

Groups co-ordinator: Jan Dixon is standing down having completed her three-year term. Joan Webb has agreed to stand.

Publicity and EDI co-ordinator: David (Ollie) Johnson will have completed his current three-year term and has agreed to stand again.

Speaker bookings co-ordinator: Chris Jarman will have completed her current three-year term and has agreed to stand again.

Travel team representative: Margaret Pavlidis is standing down having completed her current three-year term To date no nominations for Travel team representative have been received.

Anyone within Tonbridge u3a is eligible to stand for election to the Committee. If you would like to stand for any of the above-mentioned positions, or if there is someone you would like to see on the Committee in any of the above-mentioned roles, please let the Secretary know, in writing, at least 14 days prior to the AGM, i.e. by 19 June 2024 at the absolute latest. All nominations must have the consent of the person being nominated and require two other members of Tonbridge u3a to propose and second the nomination. All relevant details should be sent to Rosemary Martin at the e-mail address

The Committee looks forward to seeing you at the AGM and thanks you in

advance for participating in the proceedings.