Wine and Food Appreciation Group

Group: Wine and Food Appreciation Group

Meets: Last Tuesday of the month at 1pm


Some meetings will be in the homes of group members (each taking a turn to 'host'); other meetings will involve going out for lunch.


Meetings 'at home' will involve contributions from all attendees in the form of wines, breads and cheeses. 

The wines may be from a specific country, region or of a certain variety of grape, we will decide at the preceding meeting which 'theme' to go for the following month. 

Members who will be providing breads and cheeses will also be decided then. Leftover food and drink will be taken home by whoever brought it, unless they want to give it to someone else.

Some meetings will be more food orientated and we will go out for lunch. This may be anywhere in London and South East England. We will aim for the lunch food to cost approximately £25pp.....and, of course we will be able to buy ourselves drink at the chosen restaurant.

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at  

 Full contact details are in the handbook, alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at  (please include your membership number in your email).

Group Leader:  Joan Hersey