Tonbridge u3a   

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Welcome to Tonbridge u3a

We are a friendly organisation, welcoming individuals from Tonbridge and surrounding areas who are retired or semi-retired.

Scroll down for more details.

About Us

We held our first  meeting in 2000 and currently have over 1100 members.

Although u3a is short for University of the Third Age, please don't think you have to be an academic to join. The u3a movement is a unique and exciting organisation which provides the opportunity for retired and semi-retired people to socialise and learn together, not for qualifications, but for its own reward; the sheer joy of discovery!

We all help with the activities and administration of our u3a with an annually elected committee overseeing our affairs.

Each local u3a is a self-help community, where members share their knowledge, experience, skills and life experiences.

Details of our national body and links to other u3a organisations can be found here.

Monthly Coffee morning moved

to Christchurch foyer details here

Next meeting Friday 15 November

Tonbridge u3a Alternate

 Easy Access Social Coffee Mornings 

at The Old Fire Station

Next meeting Friday 8 November

For the latest news about our groups check out the Group News


We have over 80 Special Interest Groups covering a wide range of interests. You can find more about them on the  Groups Page. Whenever a group is full we start up a waiting list for another!

Monthly Meetings and Open Days

We meet at 2pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except August and December)  Angel Centre, Tonbridge (map)We invite interesting speakers and always follow the talk with the chance to chat over a tea or coffee. Details of these meetings are given on the Monthly Meetings page.

Once a year this meeting is dedicated to an open day where there is the opportunity to talk to many group leaders.

Speaker addressing members

Becoming a Member

We hold coffee mornings on the third Friday of each month in the foyer of Christ Church, Tonbridge  (map)  from 10:30 till 12 noon, you are welcome to come along and find out more about us. 

The u3a Trust has produced a video describing the activities to be found in a typical u3a, see the National u3a page.  They also provide free on-line events for members details of some of these can be found on our National Events page.

When becoming a member of Tonbridge U3A, individuals agree to abide by the aims and guiding Principles of the u3a movement, often referred to as our ‘ethos’. As a new member, we would like to make you aware of this.

If you would like further information or details of how to join please follow the link to our Membership page.

Using the Website

There is lots of information on this website about our u3a, our groups, events, newsletters and much more.

The Latest News and Group News pages are updated regularly. These pages list, in reverse chronological order, newsworthy events often with links to the pages that provide more details, it is worth checking these regularly.

Please use the menu to navigate directly to the relevant pages. If the menu is not visible click the in the top left corner of the page. Remember that throughout the site clicking the words underlined and shown in blue type (or purple) will open a shortcut to the relevant page or email package. 

If the email link does not open your personal email system please copy or type the email address into the email you wish to send. 

A useful search facility is provided (click the magnifying glass in the top right of each page). Using this you might find the group you are interested in more quickly than scrolling through the list of groups.

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