Members On Their Own Two

Group: Members On Their Own Two

Meets: Second and Fourth Monday of month 13.30 – 16.00, 

and events elsewhere on other planned days that members decide. 

Venue: Hall in Tudeley.  Please car share if possible, else 205 bus 


Tonbridge u3a has existed for only 5 months, but is going from strength to strength. Beyond the many and diverse fun activities already held, we have no fewer than 3 speakers lined up to talk to us, and much more! Our main meetings in Tudeley are on the second and fourth Mondays of the month, though we often enjoy events on other days. Our members create and benefit from a full and exciting online Program of Events and keep up with their new friends via a thriving

WhatsApp Community featuring five groups.

So, are you ‘On Your Own’ and would like to try us out? Any questions? Please e-mail, so we know when to expect and welcome you!

Joy Watson

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at  

Alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at  (please include your membership number in your email).

Group Leader:  Joy Watson